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Por Rebecca1208
24/06/2010 - 00:09:54

Tipo: Vehículo espacial
Puntuación: 0.08 (No puntuado)
Tags: rebecca1208


First spaceship in 11 months. Inspired by Warboss and Glance. (9mpn 24/06/10)


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Por Impious_Iron

Oh God now you're going to take over the vehicle editors too. I don't stand a chance, ma'am.

Por Icarus8484

So this is what you get when you make a spaceship after 11 months without making one looks like eh? Heck I haven't even been part of the spore community a month and this is the kinda stuff we newbies like to see....TALENT!!! Makes us eager to become better

Por Sibery

How you use cannons for the civilization stage?(weapons for boats, airplanes and cars)

Por x249501

I love te spinning wheel light on the back, it looks like a warp drive like thing

Por Hivemaster89

very nice job. i really hope u do more but make an adventure with a dragon being abducted by aliens theme!

Por HopperDragon

Great ship btw.

Por HopperDragon

How do you compare yourself to descardion or shattari?

Por Pokochan98

11 months! How long have you been playing! Anyways, R

Por Tariot

i like that spining part at the bottom.

Por bababoey2u

awesome ship. these r really good

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