In Memoriam - Himmelslaub
No puntuado

Por Andeavor
31/07/2011 - 22:34:00

Tipo: Edificio de casa
Puntuación: 1.89 (No puntuado)
Tags: color, head, himmelslaub, imagination, memorial. gaprop


On July 27th 2011, our fellow sporeon Himmelslaub passed away after cancer finally got the better of him. This creation is in his honor for all the wonderful creations he made. No matter what abstract thing he made, he always got the most praise, which means a lot."Der Mensch ist erst wirklich tot wenn niemand mehr an ihn denkt." - Bertholt Brecht(Man is only really dead when he's forgotten.)---------------------------Thank you, Maxis, for the feature and thank you everyone for your touching comments. Chamäleon will print out this page and put it on Himmel's final resting place.I'm a bit sad to see it takes a death to get so much attention (here's to you, Norway), but it proves the community isn't dead yet, and I'm talking about those that care for each other. We're still around and I hope to see many of you for a long time to come. However, I hope that Maxis can meet us halfway and help us restore Spore.com and the Sporum.


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Por SelinaC05

Rest in peace, Himmelslaub. :(

Por SelinaC05


Por TynerMason

I haven't been on here in years. Rest in Peace, Dear Himmelslaub.

Por zescilea

oh wow, i just came back to spore after awhile and i can't believe this! Himmelslaub was one of my favorite creators when i used to play, he makes up half my galaxy lol and he always had such nice encouraging comments. i am happy that i was a subscriber so

Por Dragonsbane2003

): Sad...

Por Dachsiribo

I never knew him personally, but he was my cousin's first subscriber. I wish I had after reading these comments. His creations will be remembered. R.I.P.

Por Blazeer

I thought he just stopped creating! I cant believe I just found out he's dead...I'll never forget the first time he gave me a comment, I will stay subscribed forever. R.I.P. Himmel

Por uroker2010

Sorry to hear

Por Awdred

The community's dead now.

Por 42ndDevistation

='( God be with him.

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