Alumatec Deep Space Probe
No puntuado

Por Dragonman9
11/08/2011 - 16:13:24

Tipo: Vehículo espacial
Puntuación: 0.71 (No puntuado)
Tags: alumatec, create-off, deep, probe, space, t3hpiti


Alumatec: Bringing you the future, today! Our new deep space probe is designed to withstand the harsh environment of space, and come back no worse for wear! It can be customized to scan planets, take pictures, and virtually any need you can think of! (For T3hPiti's Create-Off, looser's braket round 1, theme SPAAAAACE!)


Por Drahn

I love the style of this. The added details are perfect.

Por SpongB6F1

Very nice. Has a good functional look to it, like a real instrument, not some fanciful rocket ship. Those spikes are placed a bit randomly though. R+

Por T3hPiti

Ironically we are based off the Covenant, but my vehicles aren't meant to look like their's (:

Por HRmatthew

Nice looking spaceship, I like the complexity in the design and the paint.

Por NeonJester

Thanks for the instructions on how to post!:D

Por NeonJester

Midn if I join your create-off?:D I sometimes read the forums, but I have never posted or know how to. May I join by placing a comment here instead?:D

Por IsakTheWriter

Awesome Work!


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