Odonost (Gift from PlasmaFire)
Not rated


By Odonost
06/03/2014 - 06:17:55

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.16 (Not rated)
Tags: endurance, gift, glitched two ways, imaginative, odonost, organic, plasmafire, rosethorn dragon


Thank you so much! You are literally one of the most imaginative ship creators on Spore, so getting this from you is like an early Christmas present! And to everyone else, CHECK OUT PLASMAFIRE'S CREATIONS RIGHT NOW!!!! THIS GUY IS A PRODIGY!!!


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By jamiec2014

Im going to barrow this or copy it, Thats okay right? i might need it at some points.

By TheKatsos

oh, its a gift...

By TheKatsos

also... these are like from over a year ago... and skillsets improve and develop... as well as inspirations... I'd say you can probably take off the proverbial training wheels ;)

By avengerdry6

this is pretty cool and quiant design...i really like it.

By MLF231

Like a living thing, I said...

By PlasmaFire

they can be if you just have the patience, last ship I made took me five days :/

By PlasmaFire

cool, I'll look forward to it, holler if you need any tips. BTW you wouldn't believe how many reports I get saying, " so and so has added Odonost to the posse in space stage." you're everywhere!

By HRmatthew

Wow, what a great gift!

By PlasmaFire

hey thanks for the shout- outs I really appreciate it, but I'm not a prodigy, just a stickler for details, really like the sweep of the arms on this when viewed from above. ;)

By Sythe_0102

I love the sort of living look this has to it.

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