No puntuado

Por krcmar
04/06/2014 - 17:30:31

Tipo: Vehículo colonial marítimo
Puntuación: 0.15 (No puntuado)
Tags: abo, artillery, basilisk, fast, frigate, guns, krcmar, missiles, shimeran, squid-like, stealth, swift


The TZAR technologies A1 Basilisk represents the latest iteration of ABO naval standard. it stands in the midpoint between surface hugging hybrid trimarans and electro/acoustic levitation vessels whilst utilizing state of the art technology, as a result the Basilisk and its squid like (coming soon) kin are the final word in Shimeran maritime combat. It is designed to completely eclipse older vessels in every way, namely the previous generation of frigate, like the Hammerhead. It accomplishes this with several key design features and experimental technology integration. Two Tritanium-ceramic tentacles stem from the rear section of its hull set the Basilisk apart from other ABO vessels in terms of design, and truly demonstrate Shimeran technological superiority. The tentacles are synchronized with a Zetta grade AI and move with unbelievable dexterity and grace allowing the Basilisk a great degree of mobility bellow and above water. Theses tentacles are used in conjunction with the Basilisk?s frontal nodes in order for it to hover, utilizing the water?s surface as a medium for electro-acoustic levitation. This system nullifies friction on the vessel, meaning that and form of propulsion would only have to overpower the vessel?s mass in order for it to move. An on board Impulse-Plasmatic drive sheathed in an omnithrust compatible Iridium casing, takes full advantage of this and propels the Basilisk at over Mach 5.
These systems as well as the Basilisk?s immense firepower attract a particularly brash crew which utilize the vessel for direct ?in your face? style combat at which this vessel excels. In order to withstand all the munitions coming its way when such tactics are exercised the Basilisk?s hull is adorned with multiple layers of nanite infused Adamantium, Tritanium and ceramic compounds which do an excellent job at deflecting hostile fire. It is not uncommon for a vessel of its type to emerge unscathed from a cloud of smoke, ash and vapor which tends to seriously erode enemy morale. However the Vessel is also fitted with advanced shielding and countermeasures to further protect it against hostile action. Whilst it is superior to any other vessel of its size in terms of protection, its true field of influence lies in its devastating offensive armament. A single railgun battery mounted above its ?head? makes up the blunt force of the vessel and is capable of striking an area with shaped plasma charges that spread destruction in a 190 meter radius, annihilating entire cities in a sustained barrage. The Basilisk?s ?claws? are comprised of twin AI controlled stacked hypercoil gauss cannons which can sustain a lock on their unfortunate target even at maximum speed and are programmed to target the hull and bridge to ensure a kill. In addition, the Basilisk also utilizes multi load missile racks, torpedo tubes, depth charge launchers and surface to air missiles.


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Por MythicalMist

Haha, thanks :)

Por gagedaniels

This is awesome! All the little details such as the guns and texturing are great. A very interesting design for a naval vessle.

Por MythicalMist

Sorry if I commented to much ;)

Por MythicalMist

(I comment alot if you hadn't noticed)

Por MythicalMist

And you're welcome for the comment barrage :)

Por MythicalMist

And I have no idea if you got all that...

Por MythicalMist

And yeah, I know some of my creations are a little weird, I have made aload of MUCH better creations, but unfortuanatly my computer can't connect to online since it had the blue screen, so I'm getting a new computer...And I'll have to create all my good cr

Por MythicalMist

Haha, thanks

Por HRmatthew

Another smooth ship, chock full of details. It looks like a giant fish!

Por PlasmaFire

you have an incredible style and quality about your work, everything looks amazing! and now you've got another sub as well!

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