Luigi circuit v3-2-5
Not rated

By 9skyguy9
08/04/2014 - 21:36:43

Type: Explore adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Tags: cheer, circuit, crowd, cup, explore, fun, kart, luigi, luigi circuit, mario, mario kart wii, mariokart, mushroom, racing, sports, trophy, wii


Luigi circuit with all I could put into it. I hope you enjoy. Updated! (Based on Mario Kart Wii luigi Circuit, due to complexity i cannot do everything.) Update log of this version will be in comments.



By 9skyguy9

Secondly, as a reminder, there is anti-cheating so you virtually have to do the laps anyways. Hint: try using the sprint bars on the first red ramp.

By 9skyguy9

And added a few more items.

By 9skyguy9

Again, deleted a character who was causing unfair failures


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