Armageddon II-S
¡Muy bueno!

Por krcmar
10/03/2015 - 15:58:36

Tipo: Vehículo espacial
Puntuación: 15 (¡Muy bueno!)
Tags: armageddon, black, dreadnought, formidable, huge, hull, ii, inner, krcmar, railgun, secondgen, turrets


As the insatiable Shimeran war machine trampling over an increasing magnitude of sovereign nations and increasing Imperial territory to span thousands of lightyears, as the military-industrial science divisions discover new fronts, more and more hardware is sent to the scrapyard and smelted back to its base elements to produce their descendants. The gleaming nonbaryonic alloys on the dark hull of the vessel before you exemplify this, a shining beacon of Imperial dominance. The Neo pattern Starhammer-Armageddon, accepting the torch from a proud dynasty of Shimeran dreadnoughts.
As earlier mentioned, the Neopat Armageddon is to bring forth significant technological advancement to the Emperor?s proud legions. The initial plan with a vessel of its dimensions and armament was the fulfillment of several key roles in an ever flexible battle strategy. It is in essence a single ship strike formation and is decked out for engagement in all settings. The pincer like hull is actually built around two key elements which set this ship apart from most Shimeran vessels. Firstly a massive warp assisted mass driver. It works by creating an FTL tunnel in front of its massive barrel with the assistance of the previously mentioned pincers which are subspace stabilization foci in actuality. In essence, this gives it the ability to strike targets from up to 20 lightyears away, in mere seconds. Albeit the weapon must be carefully aligned prior as direct contact is lost with the warhead in warp. The projectile itself however is already sped up to relativistic velocities as it enters warp, since warp collisions i.e. slamming into an inanimate object at FTL speed would have no effect as the object and projectile haven?t moved while space has. But with the velocity it poses it would do significant damage upon entering realspace. It has been classified as relativistic artillery and is otherwise revered for being a de facto planet killer. This type of weapon pays little regard towards gravity as it travels at such extreme haste and will carve a straight path toward its target, so the preferred use is against either something that can?t get away or something immobile, or in many cases wiping out entire fleets which act like single, still bodies anyway in that context.
Albeit the vessel features several outbound hangar bays the one spanning its hull is most notable. It allows extremely rapid deployment of strike craft and mechs on effectively any point of the vessel, therefore, a signature tactic of most Armageddon crews is to launch a several waves of drone fighter screens and locking down the system with jump inhibitors whilst pelting the enemy vessel/fleet with ordinance. This tactic is often used with at least two vessels, as one would fire volley after volley of superliminal ordinance often with a complement of supply-logistics ships and the other would keep the hostiles suppressed and within the sphere of engagement, allowing for quick and merciless extermination of the opposing force.
Since the theater is usually the gravity well of a planet under siege, prior to the Armageddon?s conception the process of laying siege to large planetary bodies was a lasting and costly one, but now a single vessel can conquer and occupy with relative ease. Modern doctrine is fairly pedantic on the procedure of conquest of worlds with sentient populations. Albeit the codex covers morality in this scenario, deploying a large land army would be very costly as an initial tactic, so to evade this condemned worlds are told to unconditionally surrender or face severe consequences.


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Por wildabeastjb


Por DragonKal

Amazing desing, really well done

Por sweatsock27

R plus

Por sweatsock27

i always wanted to use that saucer part...i see you have used it well..

Por sweatsock27

cough *faints* *dies of seeing oo much amazingness*

Por HRmatthew

As always, great paint and unified design. I like the circular disc on the hull sides.

Por sefmonsta

I like the futuristic paint job... another cool looking ship!

Por thomasmarkus

All of your ships have a cool design. And the description is very interesting!

Por GeneralESpecific

Lovely ship design, really has a nice sci fi look to it. I only wish I was this good with the vehicle creator haha.

Por Hilight

Excellent ship and a creative description R+

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