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By puma7372
01/03/2016 - 02:02:58

Type: House building
Rating: -9 (Bad)
Tags: gaprop


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By tklarenb

But ultimately, the characters and location will be completely different (no sapient dinosaurs, for example)

By tklarenb

The new story I'm working on will copy a few ideas from WP (such as the UEC, which will be present in a somewhat altered form)

By tklarenb

There were also several subplots (such as Alice's mind control) that also would have tied in, but it would take me several pages to describe them in detail

By tklarenb

Using her new ability, she and the others would have gathered an army of dinosaurs and attacked the UEC at New Haven and ultimately killing Gestoff

By tklarenb

The alien consciousness would have given Katie the ability to read and project thoughts with dinos, allowing her to talk with them

By tklarenb

Basically Gestoff's plan is to use dinosaurs as an army and head back to Earth to conquer it

By tklarenb

Steve's group meanwhile would have made it to the facility on Messel, where it would be revealed that Gestoff has created a way to hack the dino ribosomes resulting in mind control

By tklarenb

The alien consciousness would also have been behind the weird ribosomes in dinos, which is what gave them heightened intelligence

By tklarenb

Katie's group would have made it to the location on Ceno and discovered an alien consciousness that was dropping Earth creatures on Sauros Prime as they went extinct

By tklarenb

I don't remember exactly every little detail I had for the story (I know I forgot some minor plot points) but I can give you a general idea.

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