Mobile Space Station
No puntuado

Por RevolutionKaiser
04/02/2016 - 06:09:39

Tipo: Vehículo espacial
Puntuación: -1 (No puntuado)


Por Rebecca1208

If I hadn't said so already, I am glad I could be of inspiration :) and it's awesome to see you're still playing as well. But damn, it's been a long time! goes to show how engaging Spore can be to us arty-types

Por Rebecca1208

but for mass-denying your comments, that really is bizarre

Por Rebecca1208

Just seen you ask now about your comment issues.. I think the lack of comments from your subs might just be people not playing anymore. Seems to be a common thing lately :(

Por Rebecca1208

I love the wittyness in your comments, haha. and John Cena, hmm... maybe if I ever decide to make more portraits ;)

Por Rebecca1208

Hey Revolution! I'm going through my comments now and seen a bunch of yours, so sorry if I am replying backwards :P and my old-creation-remakes weren't inspired by yours, but I definitely want to check yours out. I've been finding it a really fun exercise

Por Strange-Gras

guy, I love your comments :D


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