Interior Example

Por Awdred
01/03/2016 - 22:40:13

Tipo: Edificio de casa
Puntuación: 7.5 (Bueno)
Tags: awdred, gaprop


Just making an example/practice prop. Feel free to use.


Por T_B_II

Re cont: However that said there will be plenty of build up and pre context for the events of the original Factus series, so be on the look out for a more immersive setting. :D

Por T_B_II

Re Factus Series: Thank you for the feedback, it is very useful. Sadly part 3 may only exist in spirit, though the story progression will remain, thus everything will still be familiar amongst all the fancy updated things. XD

Por MythicalMist

Thanks :3

Por T_B_II

Re cont: Though that does remind me, I'll need to get back onto Sono Factus; been busy getting back into Uni and writing a short story for a local competition. XD

Por T_B_II

Re Golden Spoffit: Thank you for the comment, it was a lovely thing to receive. :) Fusing poetry/prose (Idk, probably prose) and game play was certainly a neat way to pull the narrative into the player experience, glad you enjoyed it. :D

Por DireSquidGuy

About Catch That Makadoo 2 v2: HAHAHAHHAA! I KNOW, right? It was challenging, but NOT hard! Thanks for all the comments, Awdred. XD


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