Polymorph Family Tree
No puntuado

Por Alienologist
17/09/2016 - 13:41:14

Tipo: Aventura sin género
Puntuación: 0.01 (No puntuado)
Tags: acirassi, alienologist, elvy'sworld, elvyjohn, evolutionary, evolutionary tree, no genre


(do not play unless you're thinking of joining or are a member of ElvyJohn's project, Elvy's World) Are adventures even allowed for Elvy's World? Hopefully. Also I know, this is badly explained. So ElvyJohn, please make a creature about the rules of Polymorph making that is better explained than this adventure after you played it! Ok? ;)

Capturas de pantalla


Por alphagecko1

im thinking about joining...

Por RedGenesectNinja

I'll join...

Por ElvyJohn

But I did play it, I just don't seem to be on the leaderboard

Por CreepingTerror

Concept sounds interesting.

Por CreepingTerror

Rapidly advancing Emphemiza , conditions have been getting worse of late... we try to be cheerful.

Por ElvyJohn

Also, I have made a Xenorhyncid, Borealitherium magnificens

Por ElvyJohn

@comment about the island: sure, it could be off the coast of Agaz (a continent covered with rainforest)

Por ElvyJohn

I will, but I'm quite busy right now, The Maw was something I made ages ago that I just found and decided to post, I'll get round to it eventually

Por ElvyJohn

Because his creature is a Xenorhyncid Macromorph, whereas yours aren't


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