Not rated

By cassidy0605
09/25/2016 - 15:24:57

Type: Spaceship
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Tags: ghost's reckoning, pikachu9001, sealed destinies


Oopsies. I haven't been on for a while. My bad.


By cassidy0605

Ghost's Reckoning episode (and when I say 'right after,' I mean probably a day right after). But anyways, that's all for now.

By cassidy0605

will be on a very long hiatus until I have finished Ghost's Reckoning. But don't worry! This doesn't mean it's gonna be like, two years until the next episode. If I have enough time and motivation, I might release a Sealed Destinies episode right after a

By cassidy0605

snap. I most likely won't, however. Just please keep in mind that I won't be able to put in ALL of your ideas and such for Ghost's Reckoning. But now, you must be wondering, "What's gonna happen to Sealed Destinies?" Well, I will be continuing it, but it

By cassidy0605

past self for creating AT LEAST her good). If you have sent in any characters for Ghost's Reckoning, please, let me know here, since I will most likely forget them. xD But anyways, I'm certainly not as patient or kind as pikachu9001, so I may accidentally

By cassidy0605

continuing from her most recent episode. Hopefully she responds soon, as she is quite busy with school and such. But in the meantime, I will be remaking pretty much ALL of the characters I sent in for her (except for Laura, I'm actually quite proud of my

By cassidy0605

DeviantArt, I messaged her and asked her if she would like for me to continue it for her instead. She said yes, and so, the fate of the series is up to me now. Of course, I asked her if she could private message me the plotline that she wanted to have

By cassidy0605

So, if you are a subscriber to pikachu9001, you've probably noticed that she's never on before. That's because she can't start Spore on her computer anymore. At all. Which means she will, unfortunately, not be able to finish Ghost's Reckoning. However, on


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