Surisin Stargiant

By Miikka64
02/08/2020 - 20:25:08

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 7.5 (Good)
Tags: gaprop


[The Legend of Scifi's Parents 3/3]

Scifi knowing all the secret weapon-staches around the house armed Symikli and asked did he know how to use one. "Yeah yeah, now let's defend our home bro!" Symikli and Scifi knocked over a table and covered behind it, and as soon as they saw the Kurisins enter the room they were in, opened fire. One by one, they all fell. There were about fifteen corpses, and when the brothers heard no more coming, slowly crawled towards the windows to check the situation. They saw atleast ten more Kurisins, coming straight towards the house. Before they could start shooting, a loud sound echoed through the air. The Kurisins looked up and started running. "The hell's happening?" Symikli thought and tried to peek outside. He then saw a massive spaceship that soon started blasting at the Kurisins that were trying to run back to their ships. "Cavalry's here!" Symikli celebrated. He then looked at his brother whose relieved smile suddenly turned back to horror. "Symikli, search the house for Mork and Murisin and then follow me outside. Father's injured and needs medical attention", Scifi told and ran outside again. "WHAT ABOUT MOTHER?!" Symikli tried to yell after him. Scifi heard his brother yelling, but didn't want to answer. In a few minutes, all the four brothers were pulling Lavus towards the house. Suddenly, Mork stopped pulling and said "there's someone coming", pointing at the thick forest nearby. Scifi ordered his siblings to get behind something, with of course Symikli quickly saying "don't tell me what to do". Prepared for more Kurisins, the brothers were surprised to see a squad of Surisin soldiers coming towards them. Scifi dropped his blaster and yelled "friendlies"! The soldiers lowered their weapons and came to check on the Wells family. Scifi told them the whole situation, but then stopped when one of the soldiers asked about Sbetina Buz/Wells. "Where's your mother, kid?" - "Yeah, you didn't tell where mom was." Scifi started to tear up, and without saying anything, everyone realised the situation. Scifi looked at Symikli, expecting him to punch him or something, but instead he just looked back at him, and started to cry as well. The soldiers then took the brothers with them and a medic that was with them started to bandage Lavus' wounds.
Few days later, the brothers were returned to their home, being taken care of by their neighbours. Lavus was being treated at the colony's hospital, expected to make a full recovery in less than a month. The Grox-Kurisin attack was over thanks to captain Buzz's strategy of using a clever pincher movement to deal with the enemy fleet. After Lavus got out of the hospital, a funeral for Sbetina was held. "First they took my parents, and now they took my sister", Buzz who had attended the funeral was heard to say. After the funeral, the Wells family decided to move to Surruria where the family's manor was.

And so began the downfall of one Lavus Wells...


By Benjami

That was a good read. Nice to get more insight on the what set Buzz and Lavus on their paths. Also seeing Scifi and Symikli being brothers instead of rivals was pretty bittersweet.

By Liskomato

Interesting story! Not only it gives critical background for my Dreams of Evil remake project, it also sets up Lavus's backstory alongside it! Thanks for the help here! :D


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