Tricean flag

By sammywhiskers
09/20/2021 - 19:27:21

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 3 (Good)
Tags: ecoverse, flag, hypothetical, r13426, tricean


By R13426

I could easily picture AUSF being good overall but flawed while I imagine at least one or two races within it being entirely benevolent

By R13426

Yes true. To be at all sustainable though AUSF would have to be substantially less messed up than the USA.

By R13426

Yeah the part about the army and such makes sense. Culturally though it would have to be very different from the USA since unfortunately my country is way too racist and beholden to corporations these days.

By R13426

(Delete) Also I?d be curious to see your take on my Tricean lol I?m still debating which if any of the existing versions should be canon

By R13426

The constitution or other founding circumvent would provide guardrails that prevent policies contrary to the best known science at any given point in time

By R13426

I mean based on my current understanding of the most egalitarian governments today it would be a socialist republic akin to present day Scandinavian governments, with one alteration:


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