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Not rated

By Awdred
09/30/2021 - 05:17:38

Type: Military water vehicle
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: 1v1, challenge, sea, sporehalla, stats, steampunk, submarine, submersible


After the armies of Caragonia had laid siege to the city of Ashreed, after the artillery had bombarded the defenses until the stones themselves started to smoulder, after the cavalry had chased down and trampled every messenger sent from the city with a call for aid, and after the airships had arrived and laid waste to the ancient gates barring them from their goal, the general stared into the bay, with but one prisoner from the entire town to show for his efforts, who would do nothing but thank the gods for what he called the "water angels" that took his family to safety under the waves.

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