22Bird Contest is Still Open

By 321Aerobird
01/12/2022 - 19:27:11

Type: House building
Rating: 6.43 (Good)
Tags: gaprop


22Bird Contest is still going! Idea from 7brother7.
I will be judging the competition.
Here are the rules:
1. The creature must be a bird or bird-like in nature. The bird can be based on a real bird or be fictional.
2. It has to have a beak,
two legs, 1 pair of wings, 1 pair of eyes, and a feathered-like tail.
3. CAN use the expansions: Exoskeleton Limbs and Creepy and Cute in the bird creation(s). Please DON'T include the Dr. Pepper Robots pack or Galactic Adventures in the creation(s).
4. Can use sharable mods on the bird creation(s). NO unsharable mods to be included.
5. TWO entrees per creator.
6. Must be made from scratch. NO using other creators' templates.
7. Include coloration on the bird(s).
8. A small description would be nice to include for your bird.
9. The DUTE DATE is at 1-14-22 or January 14, 2022, at Central Time 11:59 pm. When the due date is set no entries will be accepted after the date itself.
10. You NEED to have "22bird contest" in the tags. Make it easier for me to find the creations.
11. Have fun with the contest!


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By 7brother7

I look forward to the 23Bird Contest!

By 321Aerobird

Well, the 22Bird Contest is closed now! I want to make sure I included everyone's bird entries in the sprorecast. If it isn't present, please comment below and I will include it.

By alcamie

it's a barn owl

By alcamie

Alright, I made a second entry! (I hope it's not too late lol-)

By nodobird

I have a description for my bird. :)

By 321Aerobird

I will add your bird to the sporecast. I just found it.

By 321Aerobird

I should have specified this earlier, but this gives people extra time to upload.

By 321Aerobird

@nodobird, Yes you can.

By nodobird

So wait, I can upload before midnight on the 14th and it'll still count?

By 1_That_Guy_1

We need more birds to add to the flock

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