Titanobrachus exilis

By zeejayes
02/20/2022 - 08:26:26

Type: Creature
Rating: 9 (Good)
Tags: evoevent, evoevent?, island, malodont, r13426, request


The forests of Ra are said to sing. Deep, rumbling melodies mix with the shaking of the earth and the trees to create the characteristic sound of the Monodonts. With few exceptions like Barocephalus, the Monodonts are a high browsing clade, and one that has grown to dominate that niche on Ra. On a small island off the main landmass however, one piece of this orchestra is missing. The earth shakes, the trees are stripped of their leaves, but there are no songs. For here, there is not one Monodont, but only T. exilis, a Malodont. A case of insular gigantism, T. exilis, in the absence of any Monodonts, the usual high browsers in its island ecosystem has stepped up to fill their niche. Its gut has expanded to process a leafy diet. Its legs, once cursorial have become load-bearing. Its tentacular arm-jaws have become the longest of any species, useful for reaching high into the trees. This arrangement is not very efficient, such arms of tentacles are not nearly as good for browsing as the specialized jaws of the Monodonts, but evolution has to work with what it has. It has become a very good facsimile of the Monodonts, one that may fool a non-discerning explorer. Its only obvious failure in that regard, is its lack of large air sacs, which only true Monodonts use to bellow their melodies.


DNA points
55 Bones4 Feet0 Hands
Diet: Herbivore
Health: +4
5 %
42.13 %
7 / 20
2 / 20
2 / 15
2 / 51 / 50 / 5
1 / 51 / 50 / 5
4 / 50 / 52 / 5
0 / 50 / 5

By R13426

Much appreciated thank you :) glad to see you active again and making more stuff, whatever you make Spore will be better for it

By zeejayes

Also, my internet experienced an outage at the beginning of 2022, which is why I have not been active at all for some time. I'll try and get back into the stride of doing Spore stuff, but no promises.

By zeejayes

They were specifically referring to some older creations of mine, specifically the 'Malodonts' I created for EvoEvent. I simply used the opportunity to revisit and flesh out the clade a little more than a year since.

By zeejayes

Yes, I know, EvoEvent was a thing some two years ago, and certainly not something to be uploading creations for now. No, I am not offloading creations I did upload then. I made this as per the request of R13426, who wanted some non-CaC creations from me.


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