Northern Mockingbird
Very good!

By 321Aerobird
08/19/2022 - 02:53:07

Type: Creature
Rating: 18 (Very good!)
Tags: 321aerobird, adult, ave, bird, black, custom, female, gray, grey, male, mimic, passerine, realistic, sing, state, white


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Mimus polyglottos
DISTRIBUTION: Mexico, United States and barely the South Eastern part of Canada. So this bird is kinda widespread over the North American continent.
DIET: arthropods, earthworms, berries, fruit, seeds small crustaceans and lizards.
INFO: The Northern Mockingbird is part of the Mimidae Family that consists of thrashers, mockingbirds, tremblers and catbirds (New World). Males and females look alike in this species. They both exhibit a gray back/tail/part of the wings, white belly and black on most of the wings/tail tip. Juveniles have brownish spots on their belly. The Northern Mockingbird is known for the male?s ability to ?mock? or copy various noises like bird calls/songs, animals and made objects.
BREEDING: The male mockingbird will sing earlier in the breeding season to attract a female to his territory. The male and female will make the nest. The female will lay 3-5 eggs and will incubate them. Both the male and the female will feed the growing chicks. It will take one year for the bird to attain sexual maturity.
SONG/CALL: Various songs and calls. One way to recognize is the variety of songs/calls heard by one bird. So often that will be a Mockingbird male singing.
NOTES: This bird is the state bird of five U.S. States: Texas, Florida, Arkansas, Tennessee and Mississippi.
STATUS: Least Concern
SOURCE(S): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northern_mockingbird
ATTENTION: You may use this creation, but please keep 321Aerobird in the tags.


DNA points
38 Bones2 Feet0 Hands
Diet: Omnivore
Health: +3
12 %
100 %
8 / 20
5 / 20
10 / 15
4 / 53 / 55 / 5
0 / 52 / 54 / 5
4 / 50 / 51 / 5
0 / 50 / 5

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