Mvazris Plague Nurse Variation 1

By TheHorizons
07/28/2023 - 03:08:56

Type: Captain
Rating: 6 (Good)
Tags: 321aerobird, aid, ave, bird, concept, flight, like, mask, mazris, mvazris, nurse, savefile, silver, thehorizons, vazris, white, worldbuilding


The Mvazris Plague Nurse dressed in pure white or grayish clothing. The nurse often worked in larger towns and cities of the Medieval/Renaissance era of the Mvzris species. Though, can be spotted working in smaller towns/villages or in other areas. Often acting like nurses in hospitals of today. Both males and females can fill in this role. Often females wore head coverings that were hood-like. Males on the other hand had shorter hoods but still covered the back of the head. This individual has a slightly different role compared to other Plague Nurses. Works in Medical Flock. It is a small group of medical personnel.
It is led by the head Plague Doctor, a subordinate Plague Doctor and a few Plague nurses. Often, this group is tied to one or multiple counties. They often make their rounds in a timely manner. Transportation can vary with small flights, walking, the use of traveling by wagon pulled by large flightless bird-like creatures (their version of horses) or even riding the bird-like creatures. The use of mechanical travel in terms of early rail engines was in place, but not in use by them in terms of expenses.
Note: Plague Doctors can be both male and female. Both had to undergo medical practices in early special schools. On the other hand, nurses undergo shorter schooling compared to Plague Doctors. Often almost all Plague Doctors were at one time a Plague Nurse or a variant of the job.
NOTE: In terms of the time period of Medieval/Renaissance the Mvazris were medical and technologically advanced compared to our species of the same time. Still, Plague Doctors and Plague Nurses did medically practice some things that quickly were debunked later on.
Often for the species of Mvazris and future descendants, females were slightly smaller than males. Also, exhibited differences in the skeletal structure, beak size and slight variations in voice tone. ATTENTION: You may use this creation, but please keep 321Aerobird and TheHorizons in the tags to give credit.


DNA points
53 Bones2 Feet2 Hands
Diet: Omnivore
Health: +3
12 %
6.2 %
7 / 20
9 / 20
5 / 15
4 / 53 / 55 / 5
0 / 53 / 50 / 5
0 / 53 / 50 / 5
3 / 50 / 5

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