Not rated

By Gonzalo218
12/23/2023 - 16:06:24

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.47 (Not rated)
Tags: ac skyfall, armored core, gonzalo218, mech, sleek


Hello everyone, I just wanted to let you know that I?ve set up a bunch of new Sporecasts to make reading and finding my lore easier. I have also updated the lore of some old vehicles and ships, which you might notice while reading through some of my ships? descriptions.


By Negative16

Aw man, solided AC design! Also, I will check out those sporecast!

By ETonietto

Also, badass mech you've got here!

By ETonietto

Gotta say, I've always been amazed at how intricate your lore is. Glad to have a convenient way to read through it.


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