
By Benjami
02/25/2024 - 11:45:06

Type: Captain
Rating: 3 (Good)
Tags: kredal


Xocal of the Court of Sands, also sometimes known as Kredal

The Court of Sands is mostly an independent Court, usually not in direct service of Xocal?Inac. The reason for this is the fact that they were not one of the founding Courts of the Xocal?Inac Queendom, as they didn?t agree with their decree of relinquishing the Fourfold and instead went to establish their own colony of Kred?Enesh as soon as space travel became possible.

As time passed, the Court of Sands would eventually make away with the Fourfold too, as they developed their own culture. It was the vast difference in culture that still kept them ever from reintegrating into Xocal?Inac.

The key difference between traditional xocals and these ?sand? xocals is that while both very much believe in the ?might is key'' principle and the Code of Xocal, the xocals of Kred?Enesh lean more heavily in the spiritual concept of might, as well as utilising Herbs to unlock the potential of their mind rather than body. It is this focus on spirituality that led them to the mystical art of Summoning.

There have been times when Xocal?Inac have attempted to wrest the service of the Court of Sands within their own Courts, but most of those times have failed, and when they didn?t, they never could hold it for long. Summoning beasts of sand can be a devastating art when utilised for combat, and as previously stated, might is the key for xocals.

Xocals of Kred?Enesh have close ties to the species of Desersin, as together they make up the majority of the population of Kredikaan, or ?Desert Clan? as translated from the two species? shared language. Desersins had already established a settlement on the planet that would come to house Kred?Enesh, and while they were wary of the trespassers at first, eventually the two species came to work together, learning from each others? cultures, sharpening their respective concepts of might. The Desert Clan became a thriving, albeit seclusive, alliance of the two species in the shared colony of Kred?Enesh.

When Lord Scaldren took over Xocal?Inac Queendom and dismantled its Courts, he also came for the one Court that had gotten away. Using the fearsome Zeromak, he bested the most skilled summoners of the Desert Clan and demanded fealty of the xocal population of Kred?Enesh. To ensure stability and order, he promised to take one of their own, a whelp known as Naraag, as his Squire, to inherit his position when he would pass away. He did not disclose the fact that during a crusade against the krups in the past, he had gained immortality.

As the Crystal War began, Kred?Enesh was among the first casualties, completely destroyed in a battle between Tehok and Qaldow, as Tehok had invaded the colony in hopes of extracting the powers of Summoning for his own purposes. The only known survivor of the slaughter on xocals? side was Naraag. What happened to him? That is a story for another time, not too far from now (hopefully).



DNA points
55 Bones2 Feet2 Hands
Diet: Carnivore
Health: +1
11 %
73.53 %
9 / 20
10 / 20
4 / 15
2 / 54 / 50 / 5
5 / 51 / 54 / 5
2 / 55 / 50 / 5
0 / 50 / 5

By Miikka64

Ooh, we might get to know what happened to Naraag? That's very unexpected but not at all unwelcome. And Scaldren using Zeromak to defeat the Desert Clan's summons? Wicked cool, gives some idea how powerful the monster became after harnessing black magic.


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