
Por Benjami
25/03/2024 - 10:19:05

Tipo: Criatura colonial
Puntuación: -2.31 (Malo)
Tags: balloduck by kaktus00


Balloquins are a subspecies of balloduck. Unlike their golden-feathered cousins, balloguins are completely flightless, though they make up for it with their excellent swimming skill and their cold resistance. Though they originated from Kaktus00?s Galaxy, they are considered a native species to Benjami?s Galaxy. How did this come to be?

In the early Second Age, when the initial diplomatic envoys and trading prospectors of other galaxies came to Benjami?s Galaxy, there were many who were eager to settle on the new foreign galaxy, in hopes of being the first to claim resources and form alliances in the new worlds.

Among these settlers, there was a colony ship of balloducks, escaping something known as the ?Vanguard of War?. This fleet of werusin warships had been targeting any ships fostering relations between galaxies at the time, and setting foundations for a great war to come.

In their escape, this colony ship, the ?Plucky Strider?, had been damaged. They realised they couldn?t reach the planet they were aiming for in their condition, and instead had to land on a nearby planet called Gvinioo, a harsh and frozen ocean planet, barely reaching a T1 mark of terrascore. The plan was to make a brief stop for repairs and resume the journey. Little did they know at the time, their journey would end there.

See, this was before Kvank Ikvan, a balloduck who later became known as the groundbreaker of diplomatic relations between Kaktus00?s Galaxy and Benjami?s Galaxy, had embarked on her journey and founded Zabardos. Her findings were essential to figuring out how space travel in Benjami?s Galaxy differed from that of her home galaxy. Namely, in the ways of the Currents.

Thus, the passengers of the Plucky Strider had no knowledge of the Currents, and had of course landed on a planet covered in one, and an abnormal one at that. Gvinioo?s system was surrounded by a bubble of strong Fast Current, while the bubble?s outer perimeter was an extreme Slow Current, which was a rare configuration. By passing the perimeter, tens of years had passed in the rest of the universe, causing the Balloduck Empire to consider the colony vessel lost to werusins.

By observing the stars, the stranded balloducks eventually came to realise the situation they were in. They were cut off from the rest of the universe, stuck on a planet with sped-up time, with nothing but the supplies of their colony ship on a barely-liveable frozen planet. But balloducks are a hardy folk, and so they got to work.

They set up a temporary colony so they could organise repair efforts, while also supporting their survival. The ship had rudimentary terraforming equipment which helped them create habitable zones, but only limited spare parts and fuel to operate them. Over time, more and more manpower had to be put into survival, slowing down repairs. Eventually generations passed, and knowledge and tools for spaceship repairs dwindled. Gvinioo had become their permanent home.

Tens of thousands of years passed in the Fast Current of Gvinioo?s system, as the descendants of Plucky Strider?s passengers learned to acclimate to the cold planet?s harsh environment. Their failing terraforming machines stripped them of warmth, so they evolved methods for shielding from cold. Their wings were no good in harsh winds and waters, so their wings merged with their arms for specialised swimming limbs. As their food supplies grew scarce and unable to support a growing population, they adapted to expand their diet, and began to dive in the cold waters of their new home planet to catch the aquatic life that dwelled beneath the ice.

When the abnormal Current finally dissipated, a new empire of Balloguins was unveiled to the world. With no more ties to their origin galaxy, they were set to make this galaxy their home. But the harsh planet had made them a harsh people. There is a reason their Black Ice regiment became infamous during the Crystal War.



puntos ADN
37 Huesos2 Pies2 Manos
Dieta: Herbívoro
Salud: +2
0 %
66.32 %
14 / 20
1 / 20
1 / 15
4 / 51 / 50 / 5
3 / 50 / 51 / 5
4 / 50 / 50 / 5
3 / 50 / 5

Por Miikka64

Balloduck penguins? That's beyond adorable, and I now want one at home. But sounds like they might not be as nice as their "duckly" ancestors... Also, I know I said it already but the idea of the Currents explaining hyperspeed evolution is just brilliant.


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