
Por Miikka64
08/04/2024 - 18:45:57

Tipo: Capitán
Puntuación: 12.86 (Bueno)
Tags: gaprop


[A "slight" reimagining of Lefurisin species by Kaktus00]
Dictator of the Leafor Empire, Oib Feal's project "Green Galaxy" consisted of three major components: Life, Death, and Rebirth.

Life was the "Sproutomax," a weapon?apologies, a "tool"?that, once positioned at the center of Miikka64's galaxy, would trigger the release of billions of super-spores. Each of these spores would then travel out from the galaxy's center in a wave, seeding every planet, moon, asteroid?anything with a surface, really?in the entire galaxy. These spores would initiate the rapid growth of all plant life they touched. The growth would continue, plants expanding and spreading, eventually reaching a point where they would block out light, killing all animal life and plunging the galaxy into an eternal "age of flora." The plants would also adapt, mutating into vines capable of surviving in space, eventually connecting every world in the galaxy until it formed one massive mass: the Green Galaxy.

Death was the Cerberus-virus, a genetically engineered bacteria designed to eradicate all fauna in the galaxy, wiping the slate clean and ensuring no interference with the coming "age of flora." Once unleashed alongside the super-spores from the Sproutomax, the virus would eradicate all living beings in the galaxy within weeks, leaving the spores free to proceed without obstacles.

Rebirth consisted of artificially created lifeforms called "Lefurons," immune to both the super-spores and the Cerberus-virus. They would emerge from their incubation pods after the Green Galaxy's formation, capable of altering their DNA to survive even on the most inhospitable planets. Lefurons would tend to the new Green Galaxy, nurturing and caring for it like gardeners, ensuring nothing would be changed. They would inherit the Green Galaxy, becoming its custodians, the sole remaining life-forms in the galaxy?guardians of a flora paradise.

However, the Green Galaxy never became a reality, as Oib Feal's plans were thwarted by a group of heroes. The Sproutomax was destroyed, the Cerberus virus "slain" as it turned to a GENETRIX, and the Lefurons were released by the Lehtiskä Empire in retaliation for their colonies in Miikka64's galaxy being held hostage by Oib Feal's schemes.

Upon their release, the Lefurons formed an unofficial empire. Despite their newfound freedom, the purpose encoded into their DNA drove them to become a scourge. They began seeking out terraformed planets to reverse the process, returning worlds to their natural state without consulting the original inhabitants. Additionally, they forcibly removed said inhabitants, considering them "invasive species" not meant to exist on the planet.

Though it took time for the Lefurons to be recognized as a genuine threat to galactic society, but once they finally were, they were swiftly wiped out by the newly founded "United Galaxy Rebuilders" (UGR).


puntos ADN
71 Huesos2 Pies2 Manos
Dieta: Omnívoro
Salud: +3
18 %
66.83 %
10 / 20
5 / 20
7 / 15
2 / 51 / 50 / 5
4 / 50 / 55 / 5
2 / 54 / 52 / 5
2 / 50 / 5

Por axelmalmsten

now this is what i call a high quality creation!

Por T_B_II

That's quite brilliant, I really love the use of colour as it gets all the right highlights. Awesome concept and execution. ^^

Por MultipleStriches


Por Benjami

I love this "reimagining", such a great design. I can just imagine them skittering around the branches between the worlds. A great way to tie them to and expand upon on the Green Galaxy.


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