Newbie or Troll
Not rated

By edmundpjc
12/15/2016 - 14:56:34

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: bully, copyright, cyberbully, dinosaur, edmundpjc, offensive, steal, stealer, troll, velociraptor


I am outraged by the number of my dinosaur creations being used without my credit. I know, some of you may be new to Spore but others trying to mess them up to become cartoonish abominations? This is unfair. Refer to the comments please for more info.


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By NathanielRD

I used your Megalosaurus template a while back to make a Retro Spinosaurus, I can remove it if you want.

By gogo3

Birdasuarus made me laugh so hard.That guy is such a douchebag! you were right! he is so stupid he knows nothing about dinosaurus.

By SaintNigel

Edmund, have you made a Dreadnoughtus or Tsintaosaurus? Sorry to hear about that stuff

By Unbeedable


By Unbeedable

edmundpjc I made a Tarascosaurus from dinosaur planet! Check it out!

By Alienologist

Lol, actually, species, not subspecies, well, it could be a subspecies.

By Unbeedable

Oviraptor is my all time FAVORITE dinosaur. And thanks for the good rating my friend. :)

By Alienologist

"Nice! Almost a very accurate feathered Struthiomimus. R+ --EP" Lol, it's a made up subspecies for Remmington12's (buddy of mine) Artificial Selection Contest. Also, wait, it's very accurate?!? :o

By Unbeedable

edmundpjc I updated the carnotaurus! I also made a Vastatosaurus rex. I guess those tips you gave me really paid off. :)

By Thignar

(well i only noticed now that my last part got cut off so what I meant to say is that arguing with a stupid person is a bad idea.)

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