Mr Puzzle's Magical Gates on ice / Análisis

Por HGC97
15/07/2009 - 18:57:47

Tipo: Aventura de puzzle
Puntuación: -0.05 (No puntuado)

Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
Mr. Puzzle wanders the galaxy, perplexing the young and old alike. What challenge does he bring to this barren planet?
Mensaje de victoria:
Congratulations! Mr. Puzzle is impressed with your wonderful brain. He looks forward to puzzling you again.
Mensaje de fracaso:
Don't give up. Did you try using both your hands?
ACTO 1 :   Meet Mr. Puzzle
You never know what Mr. Puzzle will show. What's inside his Mystery Tent today?
ACTO 2 :   The Mystery Key
Each colored card opens a matching door. Only one door leads to the Mystery Key.
ACTO 3 :   Found it!
You found the key! Now use the magical teleporter to give it to Mr Puzzle.
ACTO 4 :   Superlative Job!
Mr. Puzzle is quite impressed!
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