Dry pest control / Análisis

Por Merunia
06/07/2022 - 22:38:25

Tipo: Aventura de defensa
Puntuación: 0 (No puntuado)

Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
Sientirus, the one in charge of digging up the spice geysers on this desertic planet has asked for help, local animals are becoming an increasing problem to deal with.
Mensaje de victoria:
The excavation can continue, the Dravies will take long enough to rebuild their numbers for this operation to be over and city to be built, then they wont be a problem ever again.
Mensaje de fracaso:
The desert can be unforgiving, make sure you're ready to fight for your survival.
ACTO 1 :   Arrival
This planet is being digged up for blue spice, however the local fauna has been... less than cooperative.Sientirus, the one in charge of the excavation will fill you in on what needs doing.
ACTO 2 :   Here they come !
A pack of Dravie is heading this way, fight back !
ACTO 3 :   Protect our equipment !
This alarm came from the digger, you need to protect it !If you need the assistance, you could "'convince"' the guards to accompany you.Hurry captain !
ACTO 4 :   Keep the digger safe
Another angry pack is coming, show them what you're made of !
ACTO 5 :   Deal with the problem.
You need to find their nest and destroy all the eggs, it should be in a cave nearby, can't be too far.
ACTO 6 :   Mother of all eggs
That's a big one, you should deal with it too, after that the dravies will be low enough on numbers to not be a problem anymore.
ACTO 7 :   A bone wyvern !
Their chitin scales are inpenetrable, but they are vulnerable to sunlight, run outside, he's after you !
ACTO 8 :   The mighty beast
This is the final problem you'll have to deal with, kill that monster and the excavation should be able to resume in peace.
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