Sripnon Explorer

Por 33anay34
04/07/2009 - 20:10:21

Tipo: Vehículo militar terrestre
Puntuación: 3.75 (Bueno)


Por Fig_Your

Great mech. I like the shiny textures.

Por TorgOwl

You got some realy cool mechs here

Por astrohero1

hey; thanx for U really cool comments! I love doing eyes with this game. U can show much emotion with them!

Por I_Am_Oink

[Del] I buddied you. I'll try to return each comment you give me! :) [Del]

Por I_Am_Oink

Cool! Great mech. Fantastic placement of parts and coloring. R+

Por AapBurger

Really cool mech! I like the colours you've used! R+


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