Ranor Factory
No puntuado

Por Parkaboy
11/11/2010 - 13:38:57

Tipo: Edificio de fábrica
Puntuación: 0.14 (No puntuado)
Tags: parkaboy, set:ranor


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Por TpyxaHa


Por ej9000

cool i like the gear

Por sjhorm

Sweet core. I like the nuclear power look of this set.

Por maxilos23

Awsome Design! I love the core.

Por Veoline

Very nice, as always. I love how you used the paintjob to simulate windows!

Por sErgEantaEgis

I always hated your door placement technique. It just doesn't stand with the rest. But you still make astronomiclly awesome buildings set!

Por antipyrene

Great structure, gear, and paintjob

Por Southstreet

Great design, the gear in the center is a good touch, as well as those turrets (I'm guessing). By the way, wasn't the Ranor one of your remakes? R

Por samness

@GubaGuba: I'm pretty sure it's the Sennelin. Why else would he be making all of these Sennelin probs? This is just like the Rigelian. Just a set.

Por efrejoky

Not bad. You can make it better. ;D

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