Peacemaker Frigate


Por Spottsapien
11/01/2011 - 06:41:53

Tipo: Vehículo espacial
Puntuación: 7.5 (Bueno)
Tags: explorer, peace keeper, second generation, spottsapien


The Peacemaker represents the second generation of inter stellar travel for the Genesians. It is moderately armed and has plentyof armor but what seperates it is the crew and it's mission. The crew has the task of keeping all within it's borders at peace and also to help form peaceful relations with other civilizations.


Por T3hPiti

Thanks for the comments. Nice looking frigate your piece use is quite unusual, but it makes for awesome and unique ships. Great work SpottSapien!

Por glerk78

nicely made

Por Sythe_0102

Thanks man. This almost looks an old fashioned police cruiser in regards to the colour. Throw in the lights and sirens and you'd have it.

Por Buddydestruction

Wow, I like the desing and colour scheme here! R^^

Por Buddydestruction

But then you won't get much time on the MPN. ;)

Por Alex140589

kool desing

Por Jadynna

Sweet ride!! Well done!!! R+R

Por Nimat

good job on this ship. very well detailed.


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