No puntuado

Por Icarax
11/09/2011 - 03:28:19

Tipo: Edificio de casa
Puntuación: 0 (No puntuado)


Some of you may have noticed my hiatus recently. This was due in part because 1: I'm currently annoyed with the various bugs in Spore (particularly in GA) and the trolls of this community (simply because of the sheer amount of stupidy and whininess some have) and 2: I'm swamped in school work (two AP classes and a full schedule). Although I'm temporarily "back", I'm still a angered with Spore. Don't expect me to approve/answer comments as much. Until next time, Icarax out.


Por swordblazer8

i come back here... and try to make a new storyline... and the higher character limit from editing on the site is gone???!!! SERIOUSLY???!!!... man this is bull****

Por Ragnakalou

Haha, I know how it is man. I've got several hours of homework a night these days. Oh well, nex year they say is easier.


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