Rocks and Rockets
No puntuado

Por Parkaboy
03/10/2011 - 13:38:32

Tipo: Aventura de defensa
Puntuación: 0.46 (No puntuado)
Tags: city, defend, guard, launch, parkaboy, protect, rocket, tribal, tribe, zenarion


A scientist needs your help on the surface of a Zenarion colony. It seems they're having some trouble with the local tribesmen and --uh-- a rocket? Did we get that right? Only one way to find out!

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I'm stuck in the mushroom!

Por spiderdude06

i could of got 61 points that would level me up! ut nooo..you had to put us in a STUPID MUSHROOM! im gonna edit this and GET THAT STUPID MUSHROOM OUTTA THE WAY!

Por liller4537

maybe you could fix it somehow. i got stuck in the mushroom :3

Por coffeybeans

This adventure contains creations using parts you do not have... I can't play this!

Por xxxxxx_8ad529a8

''Did the damn scientis really asked me to meet him INSIDE a mushroom?''

Por pandadragon12

I keep geting stuck in the mushroom

Por xxxxxx_8ad529a8

Oh,Sorry for the previous comment.Do you plan on making a fixed version of this?

Por xxxxxx_8ad529a8

Ridiculous.My captain is small so he begins stuck in the mushroom,PARKABOY,DO YOU THINK THAT EVERYONE'S CAPTAINS ARE GIANT!?

Por SpoureBob

Am I like the only one who didn't get stuck in the mushroom?

Por DeathForce2000

parkaboy can you fix the problem about captians landing IN the mushroom? Please?

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