CDTS-4 Artisan
No puntuado

Por dounttron
17/11/2011 - 23:29:31

Tipo: Vehículo espacial
Puntuación: -0.04 (No puntuado)
Tags: builtbydounttron


The CDTS-4 Artisan is a heavy transport ship made to build, supply and support developing colonies until they are self-sustaining. These ships are generally a keypoint in any sophisticated colonization plan. They're also fast and efficient at terraforming.


Por spiderdude06

Noob: *opens back of ship* Crew member: NO WAIT *both fly out*

Por RazerBandit

I think you need to make more spaceships, I can't wait to see what amazing creations you can make.

Por MrPropaganda

Subbed You Bro :P

Por MrPropaganda

Nice Vehicle Btw, You Really Need To Get Noticed.

Por dounttron

BTW this one looks like crap in the thumbnail. See in 3-d for best results.

Por dounttron

I wanna know, what do you want more of? Boats, Tanks, Airplanes, Spaceships? If you have any ideas then feel free to leave a suggestion.


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