Destiny Dalek
No puntuado

Por Halopro895
24/03/2018 - 21:10:14

Tipo: Vehículo colonial terrestre
Puntuación: 0 (No puntuado)
Tags: classic, daleks, destiny of the daleks, doctor who, evil, exterminate, gaprop, robot, skaro, template by devildinosaur


Mutated remains of the Kaled race sealed inside armored metal casings, the Daleks are bred to hate all non-Dalek lifeforms. Death rays blasting, they serve destruction to all they encounter with an infamous battle cry: "EX-TER-MIN-ATE! Not originally mine.
Seen in only 'Destiny of the Daleks', these are very similar to Genesis Daleks in design, but are a light grey as opposed to a dark grey. They also appeared to be in a more battered state, and some were equipped with bombs allowing them to use themselves as suicide bombers.

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