
Por LucasTheGreatYT
29/01/2024 - 00:28:16

Tipo: Vehículo espacial
Puntuación: 12 (Bueno)
Tags: business, capitalism, capitalist, cargo, commercial, corporate, freighter, huge, lucasthegreatyt, massive, ship, spaceship, trade


ISS-KSSC Theia is the first cargo spaceship model to be ever built by Kingston Space Shipping Corporation and it was first built, finished and launched from a spaceport in Darwin, Australia at june 5th, 2354 A.D. While it is still in use today after 7 centuries, these cargo spaceships became rich pickings for space pirates as they leave from the imperial borders of the United Systems only to be plundered by these pirates. Official sources and data estimate that these space pirates who attack cargo spaceships built by the United Systems make hundreds of sporebucks by stealing and looting valuable cargo, supplies and trade goods, while also hijacking these ships and kidnapping expatriates.

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