Hunt down the nest / Analysis

By FatherCosmic21
03/05/2021 - 03:46:20

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
A king hires you and several other bounty hunters to track the nest of an invasive species that wants to infest the planet. Find the nest of this species, and destroy by any means necessary!
Win message:
Alright! you did it! you completed the job successfuly and got some good money for it. Now you can take it a little easier and relax.
Lose message:
Damn It!! some thing went wrong!! Abort the Mission!!
ACT 1 :   Introduction.
You and your team of bounty hunters are met by the gate gaurd Tarvos. greet him and continue to the King.
ACT 2 :   Meeting the King
Now you meet up with the king so he can give you the details on just exactly what you're getting yourselves into and how much you're getting paid for it.
ACT 3 :   Meeting the insects
You must now leave the kingdom and meet the insectozoids. if you run into trouble, handle it as best as you can.
ACT 4 :   the plan.
You and the group need to make a plan of action to make this job easier.
ACT 5 :   moving through the storm.
You move through the forest carefully and take out any bugs that get in your way while Mog's gas does its work. But you run into the insect's leader.
ACT 6 :   The showdown.
The show down begins!! FIght off the insectozoid forces and defeat the leaders. Then afterwards, the Hive will eb the last thing to destroy.
ACT 7 :   Finish the leftovers
Now that you've successfully defeated the insectozoid threats, Destroy the Hive and get your Sporebucks so you can be on your way.
ACT 8 :   Finished At last
The mission is done. Coolect your rewards and get on outta here!!!
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