burning moon - prologue / Analysis

By whiteblaze22
08/01/2021 - 02:33:18

Type: Explore adventure
Rating: 2.14 (Good)

Basic info
Intro message:
you are algae, a minion to the lady of the night, eclipse. she has called you into her throne room, telling you that she wants to speak to you about something... what could it be?
Win message:
eclipse has a plan, but will she finally succeed in bringing eternal night to every land? we'll have to wait and see.
Lose message:
ACT 1 :   meeting the lady of the night
what is it that she wants to talk about?
ACT 2 :   her plan
ACT 3 :   leaving to study
while her plan does sound wonderous, you hope that she knows what she's doing...
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