The Jade Stoa / Analysis

By Nofblocks
10/01/2021 - 23:46:55

Type: Attack adventure
Rating: -2.14 (Bad)

Basic info
Win message:
You have triumphed against a master of martial arts, take note of your success and return home proud of yourself!
Lose message:
Train harder, and perhaps you stand a better chance at defeating Byakko...
ACT 1 :   The Jade Stoa
As the birds chirp, Master Byakko awaits your first strike...
ACT 2 :   Ka-BOOM!
ACT 3 :   The Eye of the Tiger(storm)
You are swept up in a tornado after a devastating swing from Byakko - defeat the manifestation of air and survive!
ACT 4 :   Tumbling down...
Down you go...!
ACT 5 :   Amatsu kaze!
Byakko prepares himself as you descend from the heavens - finish the battle before the storm overtakes you!
ACT 6 :   The calm AFTER the storm...
You have beaten Byakko in honorable combat!
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