The Mysterious Captain / Analysis

By Nofblocks
11/10/2021 - 01:13:42

Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 0.03 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
It's best not to keep a challenger waiting, Captain.
Win message:
As you leave, intact from your bout against this rival Captain, you ponder where in the Galaxy you may find someone who can aid you - for now though, you rest...
Lose message:
The Mysterious Captain is more skilled than he appears - either learn what he has in store for you, or become stronger.
ACT 1 :   The ruins of a Spaceport...
The Mysterious Captain awaits you...
ACT 2 :   It begins...!
Face off against the Mysterious Captain with all of your might!
ACT 3 :   It continues!
You have knocked the helm off of the Captain!
ACT 4 :   It continues further!
You have knocked off one of the Captains shoulderpads!
ACT 5 :   It ends...
The Captain has recieved a fatal blow to his chest as he clutches it, stumbling as he stares at you...
ACT 6 :   'Pyrrhic' Victory
With his last breath, the Captain proclaimed his desire to resurrect his extinct species. Perhaps someone out there will be willing to assist - provided you bring this captains preserved DNA.
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