The Wungus Among the Mungus / Analysis

By ItsVairen
05/10/2024 - 16:30:17

Type: Puzzle adventure
Rating: 10.26 (Good)

Basic info
Win message:
Y'know, for a job that's pretty much an overblown spot the difference minigame they sure bring in a good paycheck. Now let's head back!
Lose message:
That Mungus was not the Wungus and now you're captain is being fined to oblivion for the damages of a single creature. Don't screw this up again, alright?
ACT 1 :   Through the Mungalow
Now if this isn't a lovely orchard. It'd be a shame if an invasive species committed the classic trick of sneaking into the local population. Oh right, that's what we're here for.
ACT 2 :   There's a Wungus Among Us
Well, time to hop to it Captain, ten of these Mungus are fakers. We just gotta identify who is whom and shoot down those imposters!
ACT 3 :   Verminated
Ahh there we go, it's all do- wait, why is Georgolithan panicking? Wait, these folks really didn't know that was a Wungus. Well regardless, its time to confirm the job and get out of here.
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