Buntardo Wars 3, Special report / Análisis

Por Jokuvaan
23/06/2009 - 18:52:45

Tipo: Aventura de historia
Puntuación: -0.04 (No puntuado)

Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
Its been relatively peaceful for a while, until you are faced with new dreadful mission... help reporter do a war story...
Mensaje de victoria:
You successfully interviewed all parties.. This story is going to make headlines soon...
Mensaje de fracaso:
As you fail everything crumbles to dust... and story is never released...
ACTO 1 :   Meet the reporter

ACTO 2 :   Soldier Stevens

ACTO 3 :   Case Jacobs

ACTO 4 :   Special ops

ACTO 5 :   Meet the commander

ACTO 6 :   Escape Buntardo ambush

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