In Utter Silence / Analysis

By Icarax
07/01/2011 - 20:47:38

Type: Story adventure
Rating: -0.01 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
In Universal legends the planet Ulnar was the mythical last resting place of the Gods, the very center of creation from which all life ultimately flows.
Win message:
Orotreus: "'I love it when a plan comes together."'
Lose message:
Orotreus: "'Your light is expended. It is finished."'
ACT 1 :   Preamble

ACT 2 :   In Utter Silence
"'The Vuliussus performed their function as I had planned... My Cor'Maros are proof of this. Now, the last of the Order will fulfill their final function... in death!"'
ACT 3 :   In Utter Silence
"'All shall be remade in my name! Behold, my greatest creation!"'
ACT 4 :   In Utter Silence
"'There is no place to hide and nowhere to run!"'
ACT 5 :   In Utter Silence
"'Every hand is turned against you. Even the ground beneath your feet carries the seeds of your destruction!"'
ACT 6 :   In Utter Silence
"'Foolish, prideful children... There was one among you who could've jeopardized my great plan...but in your recklessness - you mistook him for the true threat!"'
ACT 7 :   Silence has Fallen
"'Your efforts are futile. My harbingers will usher in a new age!"'
ACT 8 :   Silence has Fallen
"'As I was your beginning - so shall I be... your end...
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