Lurking in the Shadows / Analysis

By Icarax
06/26/2012 - 04:36:35

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.05 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
"'With an untamable call, a flickering light was brought to seekers of knowledge. Little did they know their curiosity would ressurect a shadow capable of great power... and great destruction."'
Win message:
As you and the others escape, you see in the distance an impossibly gargantuan claw break through the surface. A montrous shadow slowly rises. The Insidious once again lives...
Lose message:
The secrets of this world have tormented so many before, and now they claim yet another life...
ACT 1 :   Silhouette Base
Responding from a call from the Klendera Empire, you arrive at Silhouette Base; an archeological site for their most recent discovery.
ACT 2 :   The Descent

ACT 3 :   The Descent
"'Captain, this is Narim. I'll be in constant contact with you throughout your journey through the comm device. Just explore the caverns for now; hopefully this route will lead us to our goal."'
ACT 4 :   A Sinister Maze
"'Captain, are you alright? We detected some disturbances on you. What? A maze you say? Just stay there Captain, we're sending down support."'
ACT 5 :   Keeper of the Gates
"'Captain, what are you doing?! Why are you descending deeper? Are you in combat? Captain-"'The signal is gone. You've lost contact with Narim.
ACT 6 :   The Devil Inside
"'Captain?! Our communication arrays temporarily lost connection with you. Ferzac somehow broke out of his containment facility and stole some weapons before leaping down the excavation pit!"'
ACT 7 :   Chamber of the Damned
The whispers turn to defined voices. They call you forth like a siren's song; untamable and irresistable.
ACT 8 :   Shadow of The Insidious
A monstrous force has reawakened. By leeching on your essence, it has resurrected from its long slumber. You've given it the blood it requires to live again. The Insidious is once again free!
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