Blood and Iron (Part II) / Analysis

By Icarax
09/12/2012 - 03:04:07

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.06 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
I'm so sorry I had to do this. The complexity limit didn't allow me to finish the final act for this adventure, so I had to break it into two parts. Well, here's the contiuation.
Win message:
Biomechanical nightmares overrun the land and demolish the colony with a nightmarish ferocity. You bear witness to what seems like armageddon, and it chills you to your very soul.
Lose message:
No place is safe while The Insidious is free!
ACT 1 :   True Monsters
It's time for some answers. Who is this Marill? What is going on here? And what is that feeling that something terrible is about to close in?
ACT 2 :   And so the Carnage has Begun...
Horrific monstrosities appear from everywhere and nowhere. You and Marill need to get back to the colony. The carnage has begun.
ACT 3 :   Escape
These invaders are overrunning the land. You need to make your escape!
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