Wolf Demons / Analysis

By Dragon_minder
06/24/2014 - 19:49:07

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Hey the name's Maugrim, my story starts a long time ago when I was young. I was alpha of my pack and though the legends talk of my great leadership, the fact is that wasn't the truth...
Win message:
I abused my power as alpha and never really took care of the pack, this caused enamies to arise and blood to spill.
Lose message:
The legends don't say I don't fail here, try again...
ACT 1 :   Another Day
Another day of being alpha, back then I had no worries. I never really did that much work, since I was alpha and well alpha's don't need to do work, do they?
ACT 2 :   That's business taken care
So that's the work I did, and now I socialise.
ACT 3 :   My mate
I may have had quite a few girls, but they were never something serious, none of them except Rhyla.
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