Calio Lock, The Loss / Analysis

By Dragon_minder
06/24/2014 - 21:29:49

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
This is your dreams a place to relax, NOT NOW, WE'VE GOT AN EMERGANCY!!!!!!
Win message:
The invading alien force turns back leaving a ruin in it's its wake. Calio lost conciousness...
ACT 1 :   Meeting locals
Explore the area and meet the locals
ACT 2 :   Find Faye's house
It should be next door from yours
ACT 3 :   Deliver scroll
Give Faye the scroll.
ACT 4 :   Wait
What's going on, check if Faye's okay?
ACT 5 :   Ambush
Stay alive....
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