Spore The Next Level-Rebirth / Analysis

By williezk
04/18/2021 - 19:27:29

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 3 (Good)

Basic info
Intro message:
You wake up to a warm morning on Dredd. You're happy to still be alive and able to breathe in the fresh air... until you remember you have to "'negotiate"' with the Garadraed leader.
Win message:
Please remember to vote and continue playing the series! The fate of the Kleekoonians depends on it!The next part will come after at least 3 people vote.
Lose message:
Alas, you have been slain. Please try again, and avoid downrating the adventure because you lost. It won't help anyone, yourself included.
ACT 1 :   Last Call
Before you go, have some words with Zeeriois.
ACT 2 :   Heading Out
You: It does feel quite risky going out alone with so many aggressive animals, but that's what the sword and gun are for, I guess.
ACT 3 :   I Am the State
You: Well, this is the place. There's Zonn Tei, and there's... gulp... the Glorious Leader of the Garadraeds.[DO GOALS IN ORDER]
ACT 4 :   Negotiations

ACT 5 :   One Offering Later
Just imagine Jercy gave the Glorious Leader what you voted for him to.
ACT 6 :   Back "'Home"'
You: If there's one thing I've learned here, it's that it's never a good idea to get on a Garadraed's wrong side. I guess we should go, Zonn.DO GOALS IN ORDER

ACT 8 :   Explore
Before you return to Zhenauri, take a look around. There is a collectable to find.
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