Spore The Next Level?Rebirth / Analysis

By williezk
04/29/2021 - 00:06:24

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 2.14 (Good)

Basic info
Intro message:
After what feels like four years, you've returned to your homeland of Zhenauri. Already a cloud of apprehension hangs over the air; you all know the Garadraeds are coming...
Win message:
Please remember to vote and continue playing the series! The fate of the Kleekoonians depends on it!The next part will come after at least 3 people vote.
Lose message:
Alas, you have been slain. Please try again, and avoid downrating the adventure because you lost. It won't help anyone, yourself included.
ACT 1 :   Introduction
Get your group together and meet with Omalie for a brief briefing... heh heh heh.Okay, that's wasn't all that clever, I admit.
ACT 2 :   Something Dreaded This Way Comes

ACT 3 :   The Horrific Realization
You: *speaking into walkie-talkie* Omalie, it seems they're headed southeast.Omalie: Hmm, that course would lead—oh gods, they're attacking the Burkentons! We need to help defend our shores!
ACT 4 :   Attack on Burkenton
You: There's no way we can help; we're outnumbered! We have to go back to Kelamar and regroup!Zeerois: I bet Zonn Tei would call this poetic justice. Wait a minute...
ACT 5 :   Tough Choices
You: Now that I'm home, I just need to process all this... wait, who are those? Are those Burkenton survivors?
ACT 6 :   Hunting
Try to kill at least some of the creatures yourself; killing all of them that way would be preferable, though.
ACT 7 :   Explore
You may now explore the continent freely. There is a collectable to find... somewhere.
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