New Frontier Chapter 1-Episode 4 / Análisis

Por loldude555
06/05/2021 - 01:17:37

Tipo: Aventura de historia
Puntuación: 0.02 (No puntuado)

Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
All command staff as part of the mission have been called to the Mediator for a very important briefing. Along with some of the officers from the Escort, ISS Standard Deviation.
Mensaje de victoria:
The beginning of a new story and of a new frontier. To the future.
ACTO 1 :   
I've been summoned, along with the senior intelligence staff to an important briefing aboard the ISS Mediator concerning what developments have occured in the short time in which we've arrived
ACTO 2 :   
The Gossip are an unusually agressive species. But nonetheless we must face them and stop them from causing any futher harm to the UC. I understand the difficulties facing Commander Nobunaga.
ACTO 3 :   
Something deeply unsettling lies beneath the surface with the Gossip Crusaders. Are they the bulk of the species, or are they little more than warrior-slaves?
ACTO 4 :   
It is difficult to state whether what faith we can place in Dr. Brychan. His plan is ambitious. But is it bold, or is it naive? Can we say for certian if the Gossip we "'save"' would be safe?
ACTO 5 :   
Whatever the future holds for the Gossip, our future will absolutely require that we establish and build larger trust with the galaxy. We must make ties with the community at large.
ACTO 6 :   
Ankkis is somewhat...troubling. We we're prepared to fight on multiple fronts, it was something we'd knew we'd have to deal with. Our entire reason for being here demands it.
ACTO 7 :   

ACTO 8 :   
Truly our mission must be beyond what we were accustomed to. Even in that moment I didn't fully understand the gravity of what we were to face. But as they have said. We are together in this.
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