Mystery of Machines / Analysis

By Negative16
06/15/2021 - 00:56:46

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: 0.04 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You have been called to help Lara investigate the recent attack on one of their bases.You should talk to Lara about the situation.
Win message:
Good job! You stopped Kaboki's plan to destroy Manterra!
Lose message:
You did your best,But the robot did better...
ACT 1 :   Beginning of Madness
As you arrived on the planet you notice the Lanterian troops are on edge and are very unhappy. You should head to Lara so she can explain the situation.
ACT 2 :   Danger: Fatal Bullet
Yikes, seems like the team who was placed here were wiped out...find out what happened...
ACT 3 :   Confront the one responsible!
With the gate now open you head to the thing responsible for the actions of the bullet ants.
ACT 4 :   Boss Fight!
For this fight you can use the Gernades to weaken the machine.(sorry if this boss fight looks bad or too simple.)
ACT 5 :   Victory over Machines
As the machine blew up, the tiny alien flew out and fell on the ground in a weird way.Seems Lara has arrived and is investigating the suspect...
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