STNL?Decennial / Analysis

By williezk
07/01/2021 - 18:26:34

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You: Ugh, I never expected Skolos' ramblings about wasps to actually be RIGHT......wait, am I dead again?! Figures.
Win message:
TO BE CONTINUED...This is where I'd tell you to vote, but there's no voting here at all... Look, just stay tuned for next time.
Lose message:
How are you seeing this?! There's nothing in this adventure that can damage you in the slightest.
ACT 1 :   Quietus
You: Those floating light orbs look important... guess I should follow them.
ACT 2 :   Shadow and Zawnty!
You: So much for this adventure having an original plot, I guess...DO GOALS IN ORDER
ACT 3 :   I Can Has Plot?

ACT 4 :   Lingering Questions

ACT 5 :   Spellbound

ACT 6 :   Explore
Zawnty's voice: It worked! Now, Jercy, feel free to look around here a bit; this is your new home, after all. When you're ready to go, head for that ring of light I conjured!
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